Promotional Video of the 50th Anniversary Celebration

Promotional Video of the 50th Anniversary Celebration

Patient-Oriented Hospital practicing medicine based on the love of Christ Wonju Severance Christian Hospital for you and of you

- 100 year history, but always young hospital
It has expanded to become the largest healthcare institute in the central region of South Korea with 851 beds, 31 clinical departments, 8 multidisciplinary specialized medical centers and 55 specialized clinics.
- Medical skill that cure disease, compassionate care that heals patients’ mind
With great pride, WSCH provides advanced integrated medical service centered on 8 multidisciplinary specialized medical centers through interactive consultation. We are committed to deliver the most advanced and compassionate care through the cancer center, cardiovascular center, diabetes center, gastroenterology center, pulmonology center, dental implant center, stem cell therapy center, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation center, and nation appointed neonatal intensive care center.
- For next 100 years to serve local to global communities
The health promotion center, sports medicine center, the Research Centre for Prevention of Injury are ready to create new values of medical care pushing the boundaries of medicine. We are extending our support to the vulnerable communities overseas by dispatching qualified medical staffs to Tacloban, Philippines after the typhoon struck (2013) and to the site of Nepal earthquake (2015), and the 21st Overseas Medical Missionary (2016) to Bangladesh. The hospice volunteer and love sharing medical service has been regularly visiting the local communities to help residents in need. WSCH is your hospital and is always here for you.

Wonju Severance Christian Hospital (2013)

Wonju Severance Christian Hospital (2013)

Carrying out Love and Humanity
Promote well-being of the community and sharing pain of the patients through compassionate care
Heart : Spread Love of God. We are maintaining our position as the best medical education institute in the central region of Korea for nurturing next generation leaders in the field of medicine as service provider and/or researcher.
Health : Health equality. We are proud to announce that the first successful in vitro fertilization of retrograde ejaculation patient by intrauterine insemination by retrograde ejaculation and minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery in nation was performed at our institute.
Hopeful : Better hope. Intelligent hospital with advancement in medical service through specialized medical centers focusing on the disease of their expertise.
Ubiquitous hospital through PACS (Medical Image Storage and Delivery System), EMR (Electronic Medical Record), U-Health Center. We are ready to give you the full range of services from primary care to leading edge treatment of rare diseases in more comfortable and compassionate hospital atmosphere. We will leap forward to become not only the best in nation but the world-class hospital serving the global communities.